Welcoming Australia is delighted to introduce an exciting new project, the Workplace Regional Readiness Pilot, in the Toowoomba and Darling Downs regions. The two-year project aims to improve workforce attraction, retention and progression in the Western Downs and Toowoomba regions by fostering inclusive environments for all stakeholders.
The project will enhance employer and community readiness through data-informed analysis and workforce mapping, promote cultural safety, and improve work visa architecture. By identifying strengths and gaps, the initiative aims to create a network of ’employers of choice’ and publicly celebrate innovative practices in inclusivity.
“Everyone benefits when employers create workplaces that promote retention, upskilling, inclusive employment practices, and build community partnerships,” said Aleem Ali, CEO of Welcoming Australia.
“Local businesses are essential stakeholders in a whole-of-community approach to economic participation and social cohesion.”
If you are a business, job seeker, or job service provider interested in getting involved in this project, please contact Welcoming Australia at wrrp@welcoming.org.au to discuss how the team can support you.
The Workplace Regional Readiness Pilot is funded by the Workforce Connect Fund, supported by the Queensland Government’s Good people. Good jobs: Queensland Workforce Strategy 2022-2032.
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For more information, please contact:
(07) 3160 3793
For media enquiries, please contact:
Kate Leaney
Campaigns & Communications Manager
0411 712 930
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