Freedom, Only Freedom…

Last night I had the most profound and bittersweet privilege: sharing a stage with Behrouz Boochani and Omid Tofighian to interview them on the recent release of Behrouz’s new book – Freedom,…

Learning to Walk Behind

”We invite you to walk with us in a movement of the Australian people for a better future.” – Uluru Statement from the Heart Walking with or alongside frequently excluded people and communities…

Welcoming Week 2022

Welcoming Week 2022 – Celebrating the places #WhereWeBelong Through Welcoming Week, organisations and communities brought together neighbours of all backgrounds to build strong connections and affirm the importance of building welcoming and…

Welcoming Cities Awards for Change

The Welcoming Cities team are delighted to announce the winners of the inaugural Welcoming Cities Awards for Change. The awards celebrate leading practice and innovation in advancing welcoming and inclusive communities.  The…

Celebrations of Love: podcast

In this podcast, Sista Zai Zanda explores a love story between First Nations and Hungarian cultures. Paola and Anthony Balla explain how they met, how they learnt from each other and how…