Celebrate National Unity Week 2019 I’ve long been a fan of Nick Cave and a recent article in The Guardian only served to further my admiration. The article outlines the musician’s response…
More than a trend
Why having campaigns led by people with lived experience, is integral to creating social change. Shankar Kasynathan, Campaign Coordinator with Amnesty International It’s a Friday evening in Sydney’s outer western suburb of…
Now is the time for Australians to come together
Welcoming Australia is an organisation and movement committed to working with any person, party or organisation who’ll move the dial towards welcome, inclusion and compassion. We’re committed to cultivating a culture of…
The psychology of fear and hate, and what each of us can do to stop it
Stephen Croucher, Massey University As an immigrant to New Zealand, I am saddened and outraged by the events in Christchurch. The apparent innocence of New Zealand has been stripped away by acts…
Pushing casual sport to the margins threatens cities’ social cohesion
Park soccer, social cricket and street basketball bring the public spaces of our cities to life. For many of the most marginalised communities, access to public space for sport is crucial for…