COVID-19: In This Together


In This Together

A COVID-19 Response that Includes Everyone

Take action today – add your voice to the call ensuring refugees and people seeking asylum are not made more vulnerable during the COVID-19 health crisis

Already at risk of experiencing mental and physical health issues, exploitative or insecure work environments, homelessness and destitution, people seeking asylum and refugees are particularly vulnerable to more economic and health impacts as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In the face of a global health crisis, the Australian government has provided welcome health, social and financial supports to many in our communities.

However, so far refugees and people seeking asylum in Australia have been forgotten in the response to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Right now, thousands of people seeking asylum in Australia have no access to Medicare, no work and no social security. Likewise a breakout of COVID-19 in any of Australia’s detention facilities would have a devastating effect on people detained there. There are many more instances where people seeking asylum and refugees will face serious health impacts and as of yet do not have the support they need.

We’re joining the Refugee Council of Australia and others around Australia* to call on the Federal Government to take strong and immediate action to provide support to people seeking asylum and refugees, who are likely to be significantly affected by this global health crisis.

These will not only impact the lives of individuals, but will reduce health risks to the broader community:

  1. Move people urgently out of crowded immigration detention facilities
  2. Ensure a financial safety net and Medicare access for people seeking asylum and refugees in Australia
  3. Prevent people losing legal status and access to support
  4. Move refugees and people seeking asylum from PNG and Nauru
  5. Ensure that refugees on temporary SHEV visas are not penalised in light of the COVID-19 pandemic

Can you add your voice today, calling on our leaders to ensure people seeking asylum and refugees are included in any support measures provided during the COVID-19 pandemic? 

Thank you!

Your voice has been added to the growing calls across Australia for people seeking asylum and refugees to be included in any health, financial and social support measures provided by the Federal Government for people affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

What’s next?

We’ll email you some resources and tips to write a letter to your local elected representative, urging them to take immediate action to impact the lives of individuals and reduce health risks to the broader community:

  1. Move people urgently out of crowded immigration detention facilities
  2. Ensure a financial safety net and Medicare access for people seeking asylum and refugees in Australia
  3. Prevent people losing legal status and access to support
  4. Move refugees and people seeking asylum from PNG and Nauru
  5. Ensure that refugees on temporary SHEV visas are not penalised in light of the COVID-19 pandemic

Thank you for standing alongside refugees and people seeking asylum.

    Thank you for taking action to ensure refugees and people seeking asylum are no longer forgotten, and are not left behind in this health crisis.

    *On 23 March 2020, the Refugee Council of Australia (RCOA) hosted an extraordinary meeting of its regular national Asylum Policy Network teleconference, with 65 representatives of organisations around Australia, to bring together concerns and ideas about the most pressing issues for people seeking asylum and refugees resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.