Network now represents more than 30 per cent of Australia’s population South Australia’s City of Playford has joined the national Welcoming Cities network, making it the 50th local Council to sign on. As…
Sport for All: New Standard Seeks Input from Codes and Clubs
The complete shutdown of the sport & recreation sector due to COVID-19 presents an opportunity for codes and clubs to reimagine a sporting community that is inclusive of all Australians regardless of…
Living Room Sports
When formal sport & recreation opportunities have shut down due to a global pandemic, how do you remain connected, active and healthy? The Living Room Sport series is a Welcoming Sport initiative…
We’re in this together
As a global community, we are navigating an unprecedented, and rapidly shifting, public health and safety crisis. Like many of you, we have been actively monitoring the situation with the COVID-19 pandemic.…
Regional Queensland to become even more welcoming for migrants
Helping regional councils create welcoming communities for refugees and migrants is the aim of a set of guidelines officially launched by Local Government Minister Stirling Hinchliffe. The Planning for Welcoming and Inclusive Communities:…
Conversations to Celebrate our Connections
Conversations to Celebrate our Connections is a two-part podcast series, developed in partnership with the ECCV (Ethnic Communities’ Council of Victoria) as part of their All One Together campaign – an initiative that tackles…
Explainer: the medevac repeal and what it means for asylum seekers on Manus Island and Nauru
After much negotiation, the government has secured the repeal of the medical evacuation law – known as “medevac” – after making a secret deal with Senate cross-bencher Jacqui Lambie. So what does…
Kaldor Centre Principles bring evidence to refugee policymaking
When Australians talk about people seeking asylum, the discussion tends to be ’emotional and often not very thought through’, but the Kaldor Centre Principles for Australian Refugee Policy challenge us to change…
Cuts to asylum seeker welfare create surge in demand for food and housing
Community-based asylum seekers expected to support themselves but advocates say many not ‘job ready’ Luke Henriques-Gomes, 23 Apr 2019 A Coalition government decision to slash income support for community-based asylum seekers has…
Territory puts out welcome mat
Chief Minister, Andrew Barr has announced that Canberra officially became a Welcoming City on last week’s Harmony Day (21 March). Mr Barr said the ACT’s membership of the network of welcoming cities demonstrated…